“Did you know that Jesus was black?” Stunningly, this question was posed by a member of the Body during a bible class in which I was present. I responded to the question by saying that some white people say Jesus is white, some black people say Jesus is black and …
By now the phrase cancel culture has become a household name. The name in and of itself seems innocuous and, if you did not know any better you might think it refers to the rate at which TV shows are canceled only after a few seasons. If only this was the extent …
Ancestry Not Applicable
Who are you? What defines you as a person? Probably not a question that most of us get asked regularly if at all. Yet it is a question that delves into the core of our psyche and, how we answer often defines how we act and how others view us, …
A Path To Destruction
A seventeenth-century history professor Alexander Tyler from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland made some interesting observations about the world’s greatest civilizations. He noted that the average life span of these civilizations were about two hundred years. During those years, a nation advanced through various stages. A nation would progress from …
Lawlessness is defined as, being without law; uncontrolled by a law; unbridled; unruly; or unrestrained. (Dictionary.com) In recent weeks many of us watched in absolute amazement as hordes of people epitomized this definition. Rioters and looters burned down buildings, vandalized property, stole vast amounts of goods, assaulted, and even murdered individuals. …
There’s Hope in Mercy
If you were to look up the subject of torture, you may come across the works of the Assyrians. One Historian wrote the following about their ancient torture methods. In the ancient Far East, where there were large states peopled by many different ethnicities, leaders demonstrated their might by inventing …
The Proper View of You
There are well over seven billion people in the world all with unique personalities and character traits. However, if everyone’s view of self were to be polled the results may not be that varying. The reason being that mankind either overvalues or undervalues their general worth. A more in-depth look …
Are You A Christian?
Do you know the answer to this question? Are you sure about it? How exactly did you arrive at your answer?
When Truth Becomes A Casualty
What is truth? This question was raised by Pilate at the trial of Jesus (John 18:38). The concept of truth is not your typical dinner-table conversation. Yet, its presence or absence in our lives is unmistakable. We deal with truth daily, wittingly and unwittingly. We prove truth, speak truth, test …
On December 7, 1941, the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service launched an unprovoked attack on the United States naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Territory. (History.com, 2018) This attack served as the catalyst for the United States’ involvement in World War II. Unbeknownst to the Japanese and their Nazi cohorts, …
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