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On whose side are you?

In True North by Morne Stephanus

“Did you know that Jesus was black?” Stunningly, this question was posed by a member of the Body during a bible class in which I was present. I responded to the question by saying that some white people say Jesus is white, some black people say Jesus is black and …

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In True North by Morne Stephanus

By now the phrase cancel culture has become a household name. The name in and of itself seems innocuous and, if you did not know any better you might think it refers to the rate at which TV shows are canceled only after a few seasons. If only this was the extent …

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Ancestry Not Applicable

In True North by Morne Stephanus

Who are you? What defines you as a person? Probably not a question that most of us get asked regularly if at all. Yet it is a question that delves into the core of our psyche and, how we answer often defines how we act and how others view us, …

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No Politics No Religion

In True North by Morne Stephanus

No politics or religion is a phrase that enjoys tremendous popularity in our society. The person who holds this view will engage in conversation, friendship, etc. with one caveat, at no point can politics or religion be discussed. The proponents of this ideology believe they are gendering peace and harmony …

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The History of Us

In True North by Morne Stephanus

The Lord’s church, although consistent in its existence since its establishment has never really flourished in the world. From the onset, it was met with great hostility and persecution which only grew as time went on. The church was hated by the Jews (Cf. Acts 8:4 & Acts 11:19) and …

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The Lights in the Darkness

In True North by Morne Stephanus

When one surveys the world in its current state the findings may cause deep sorrow even depression. Immorality has become increasingly acceptable; the attitude and actions of people are steeped in wickedness and the regard for human life is almost non-existent. Grief is an appropriate response to these trends, so …

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In True North by Morne Stephanus

When the phrase bought and paid for is used, it references something that has been fully acquired with no outstanding debts remaining. Nice car, is it yours? Yes, bought and paid for. This sentiment is true for the Church as a whole and individual Christians. Figuratively speaking, if someone were to look …

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Are Your Hands Clean?

In True North by Morne Stephanus

Are your hands clean, or have you washed your hands are questions usually posed to children who often forget the principle of cleanliness? Unfortunately, some adults need signs in bathrooms to instruct them in the same fashion. In our current climate, our minds are focused on keeping our hands clean. …

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In True North by Morne Stephanus

I often hear my brethren pray for our service men and women who are protecting the privileges that we so richly enjoy. I think it’s only proper and right to thank God for those who give their lives so that we might enjoy worshipping Him in freedom. Another group of …