The Greatest Mentor

In True North by Morne Stephanus

In your life, there may be someone whom you consider a mentor, a person from whom you gain advice, counseling or tutelage. I have some great mentors in my life and I make use of their sage counsel when I can. Aside from these, there is one Mentor whom I consult all the time. He is the greatest Mentor of all and the Mentor of my mentors. Of course, I am talking about The Almighty God of Heaven. Have you ever considered God as a mentor? Have you ever used Him as a counselor or teacher in your life? If you have not, you should give it some serious consideration. The Lord masterfully mentors through His word (2 Peter 1:3). In His Word, you will find advice on all sorts of subjects relating to the physical and the spiritual sides of life. Do you want advice on how to be a great spouse? He has it. How about being successful in the workplace? He “wrote the book” on it. Relationship problems? He is the greatest marriage counselor you will ever find. The value of a good mentor cannot be overemphasized. Solomon said the following: The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise, Proverbs 12:15Where there is no counsel, the people fall, But in the multitude of counselors, there is safety, Proverbs 11:14. Maybe you have some difficult decisions to make, maybe you are looking for some sound advice to help you do better or maybe you just need an ear who will listen. God can help and He is always ready to listen (1 Peter 3:12). Make sure that one of your mentors is the Greatest Mentor of all.
